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Back to School...

Hello my loves! I know y’all missed me and yes, I confess, I missed y’all too. Forgive me though, I’ve been very busy with getting ready for school.

Speaking of back to school, for those of us who are already back, I hope you are all settled in. For the others who are not back in school yet, I hope that you are ready and that you will have an amazing year.

I had a great summer and to tell you the truth I was not ready to return to school. Its always like that until I get back into the swing of things. I enjoyed sleeping in, going on fun trips and just sitting around doing nothing. Sigh, all of that is over! I now have to fight to get out of bed to start my day.

Even though I had a great summer, I missed my friends and now that school is back in session I get to see them. I also get to show off my new bag, new clothes and shoes but most importantly I get to impart knowledge to the amazing kids entrusted in my care.

As a teacher, I anticipate each new school year, the kids of many different personalities and learning how to deal with each personality individually. I value the relationships I build with these kids, each one brings something different to the table. I get to call them my kids or my babies and I also get to work with them, so they can become the best they can be. I am there to guide them through the academics but also to prepare them for the real world.

This new school year is extra special to me because I was asked by my principal to have a Fashion and Beauty Club. I am very excited to share my knowledge with my girls. They see me everyday and they compliment me on the way I dress, even the way I wear my hair. Kids are impressionable, and I think that its my job as a teacher and a blogger to leave a positive impression on them.

Kids need to know from an early age that they can’t climb the ladder of success wearing a costume of failure. I get up each day of work to get dress, not only because I love fashion but also because my students need to see a good example of what’s it’s like to look classy and cute fully covered. They need to know that the way they present themselves leaves a lasting impression on others.

Everybody’s opinion on fashion and beauty differs, kids need to know that too. We are not gonna always agree on what to wear and how to wear it, but we can always be tolerant and appreciate everyone’s style preference.

For me fashion and beauty involve the way you dress, your sense of style and how you take care of your body; skin and hair included. When I decided to go natural it was because the perm was messing up my scalp and I would break out all the time. Even though its only been a year since I did the big chop, my prospective have changed, mainly because I am a black woman teaching in a majority black school with girls who need to see that we are beautiful with our natural hair too. For me representation is important. My heart melts each time a student tells me they like my hair.

Kids watch your every move and they pay attention to every single detail. Make whatever they are seeing positive and enlightening.

School is in so why not dress the part. My amazing plaid jumpsuit is from Zara and was bought on sale for $39 (similar here). To perfect the look, I went for this white Forever21 collared shirt (old) (similar here). To complete the look, I wore a black belt from Bealls Outlet, black pointy toe shoes from Forever21 (Here) and I pulled out my old Michael Kors blue handbag for a spin.

As we would say in Jamaica, “School ova, donkey tun ova!” After school I decided that I’m gonna hit the road for a few drinks because these kids can be tough and hard to deal with sometimes. I lose the shirt, black belt, black shoes and big bag for a chill look. I then added the silver metal belt (Here), blue Guess shoes (old) (similar here) and my lovely crossbody blue bag from Zara also bought on sale.

There you have it my back to school look and my after school spin off from the same overall. Which look is your favorite? Let me know in the comments.

Until next time, thank you for reading my blog and have a fabulous day.

Photographs by Tappa Tap

XOXO Fashion Sensibles