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One Year Down...

Hello my loves! Can y’all believe its been a year since I hit publish and the blogging life began? I am beside myself right now and I say that in the humblest way.

Before I get into what this first year has been like I want to thank everyone for their support. From reading my long ass blog posts, sharing my pictures, motivating and encouraging me to even the criticisms. I can’t name each person individually but know that I truly appreciate every single one of you.

Did I make the right decision to start a blog? Hell yes! Is it an easy job? Hell no! But guess what I do it anyway because it’s something that I love and I’m not just gonna give up on the first hint of a setback. Grandma ain’t raise no punk!

You see all these beautiful pictures and killa outfits, but you have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. Trust me when I tell you this blogging shit is no joke. Putting the outfit together for me is the easiest part. You have to figure out where you are going to take the pictures and by then there comes the rain, yes, I fight with nature on a regular basis.

I bought a camera when I finally made up my mind about this blogging thing. My photographer is my husband and even though he has no training in photography he researched and practiced to make sure that we had good quality pictures. Thank you baby!

We shoot tons of pictures, then we have to decide on the ones I am going to use and edit them. Once again all of this is new to both my husband and I, but we make it work and you guys make us feel really good about the finish product.

Then I must decide what to write about. What do these people want to read about today? That’s the question I ask myself most times. I am such a procrastinator (covers face), I need to go on fasting to ask God to take that away from me. I wait until last minute to write my posts. Don’t judge me, that’s when my creative juices come alive.

Someone should have warned me that this was so much work, I wasn’t ready. Some days I don’t want to do my makeup because I’m very slow and just can’t be bothered, but I have to put on my big girl panties and get going. I didn’t start just to turn around and give up.

Starting this blog has taught me to go after my dreams. For years I contemplated doing this, but I let fear got in the way. Fear that no one will like the way I dress, fear of failing; but look at me now. Look at me sister, I know you were tired of cursing me out. Telling me to stop being a punk! Its already a year and I am loving every moment of this journey.

I went from just a little Jamaican country girl to being featured on Shoedazzle, Miami Fashion Week and Fashion Bomb Daily just to name a few. I was also nominated for my first award as a blogger for The International Achievers Award. Its heartwarming and I’m elated to even be nominated, if I don’t win I still consider it a great achievement.  Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine that this would happen in a year. Scrolling on Instagram and seeing my picture featured on a page is definitely a good feeling.

It only can get better from here. The more I research and delve into the field of blogging, the more I learn. It’s a year down and I have learned so much. I started this journey with limited knowledge and only a dream. It’s not all glamour and glitter but it’s my dream and I am making it a reality. Thank you all for following me on this journey. I have many more outfits to put together and many more stories to tell. Stay tuned.

Tell us about this outfit already…

Well as you can see I am wearing my BlogClaat Slay t-shirt and as promised earlier in the year shirts will be available to order soon. Please be patient as I block out another fear and put on my big girl panties again. I wanted to wear one of my t-shirt to celebrate the blog anniversary.

The denim maxi skirt from Kosmios added to the simple look I was going for. Absolutely love this skirt and you will be seeing it again. Ask me where the idea of wearing the ASOS floral veil headband came from. I have no clue, I just know that it looks good and it turned up my extra-ness up a notch, okurrrr! DWL…

Keeping up the blue and white theme, I decided on this white pointy toe mesh shoes from JusFab and my white bag (old) was from TJMax. My beautiful statement earrings are from Burlington and the metal belt from Amazon. By the way, don’t you just love my braids? Link Mobile Hair Do by ShanniB, she will hook you up.

Did I forget anything? I don’t know, let me know in the comments!

Thank you again for riding with your girl through this first year, stick around please I promise to make this ride as smooth as possible. Follow me along on Instagram @Kass_stylz and on Facebook @Kerry Scott.

Photographs by Tappa Tap

XOXO Fashion Sensibles