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The Return...

Oh, I know you missed me, just say it and get it off your chest. LOL… I’m not even gonna front, because I missed you too. I'm back and feeling brand new. Skin glowing and my hair growing, I’m back and I mean business.


Please excuse me so I can reintroduce myself. My name is Kerry, I’m so very, fly oh my it’s a little bit scary. To be formal, I am Kerry-Ann Scott-Spence, KASS for short. I am a full-time elementary school teacher in my regular life and on weekends, nights and off days I am a fashion and lifestyle blogger/influencer. Most importantly, I am a wife and a mother. Family means everything to me and for that reason I am eternally grateful to my family for supporting what I do. 

New Website

I’m returning with sass and a brand-new website. This will be our home; I hope you like it. New home, but same old me. Nothing about me has changed. I will still speak my truth and be as authentic as possible; telling you exactly how I feel about whatever topic I’m speaking on.

My old website was made by me, with no knowledge of what I was doing. I loved it because I did it all on my own and I poured all I could into it. As time went by, I knew I had to go back to the drawing board and revamp the whole thing. Therefore, in an effort to be more intentional with my blogging and to move my brand to the next level, I knew the time had come.

Extending the Brand

As you scroll through the website, you will notice that along with fashion, I will be blogging on lifestyle and travel as well. Having good fashion sense along with a positive lifestyle; I believe is a very good balance. Traveling more is something I’ve always wanted to do, as it allows you to be exposed to other cultures and lifestyles. So, telling my stories about the three is not a bad idea.

Making the decision to also blog about lifestyle and travel was part of me not wanting to be boxed in to just being a fashion blogger. At the end of the day all three areas are closely related. It’s a task, even though fun to put outfits together to take a much-needed trip. Self-care is important and will help with fostering a positive lifestyle.

My Role

As a blogger/influencer/teacher I promise to share my honest views on products, events and just life in general. I will not be sugar coating anything because that will have you questioning my credibility and I can not have that. I promise to continue to motivate and empower women to be their best selves. To love themselves, to be confident, to speak their truth and never back down or be afraid. I will be fostering a community where women feel welcomed and are cheered for.

Outfit Details

Be honest, I know you wanted the details on the outfit. Well, let me get straight to it. Its spring and suits are trending, so I wanted to be in the mix a bit. So, my checked pants and jacket suit is from Boohoo. PVC is also trending, and my shoes are from Amazon and handbag from SheIn. Y’all see my hair? Honey child, its growing and I don’t know how to act. I did my go to hairstyle which is pulling it up in a big pompom.

Welcome to Kass_Stylz where the focus is Fashion Sense plus Positive Lifestyle. Thank you for stopping by, please leave a comment to let me know your thoughts on my return. Also, don’t forget to subscribe so you stay in the loop and follow me on all social platforms as Kass_Stylz. Don't be a stranger now!

