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Woman Power...

Hey, my loves… Thank you so much for all the love on my last posts. It feels good to know that I can be an inspiration to others through my blog.

This pass Sunday I had the opportunity to attend the Jeans and Pearls Brunch here in my home town. It was an event geared towards bringing women from all spheres of the community together to socialize and honor a few women for their contribution to the community.

It is always a good feeling to be among women who have paved the way for others, women who empower each other and women who aren’t afraid to share their journey. We don’t know it all, so asking for help and guidance is a step in the right direction.

When women come together great things happen. We can uplift and encourage each other. It’s nice to be in a room talking to women who share the same story as you, but they are brave to talk about it.

As women we tend to shove things to the side and not talk about them because we fear how others are going to look at us but talking about it gives you a sense of freedom and power. Talking about it can help someone else come to terms with what they are dealing with because their story maybe similar.

When we support each other, it makes us better. Too often as women we want to tear down another woman, we want to criticize and compare each other. We are all different and that means we have different experiences and bring something different to the table.

Standing together as women means that we will celebrate each other’s success and not get jealous. We will look at each other as being strong and courageous not weak or inept. We will reach out, not just for help but to offer help and check in on each other.

If a woman is looking gorgeous today, tell her. Don’t hold praise in, you have no idea what that can do for her. If you know a woman that’s pull off something you know was a challenge, you better get them pom poms out and cheer her on. Bask in her glory! Celebrate her and use it as inspiration for yourself.

Women have the power to change lives, all we have to do is stop competing with each other and be more supportive.

As stated earlier I went to the Jeans and Pearls brunch on Sunday so you know I had to dress the part. I’m actually happy with how my outfit came together. When I decided to go to the event I knew I didn’t want to go with just a regular jeans pants.

While on Instagram a while back I saw Princess Tyrina Lee in this amazing jeans and tulle skirt. I was like ooooh, I like that! Clicked on the tag, went on the designer’s page only to find out that the price of the skirt was not in my pay grade. But I wanted that look or something similar and that was the inspiration behind my jeans and tulle skirt.

The jeans skirt is from Rainbow and I bought tulle from Joann Fabric and Craft store. I own a sewing machine, thanks to my mom so I decided that I’m gonna take this inspiration and run with it. I fold the tulle in four and then used pins to keep the ends together. Then I place the machine stitch on 4 so I would get bigger stitches and the tulle would be able to gather easily. After that was done, I pulled one end of the thread to gather the tulle then use pins to hold the tulle and the skirt together to see how it looks before I stitch them onto each other. After stitching them together I removed the pins, cut off the excess tulle and wallaaaa I had my denim and tulle skirt. Did I nail it or nah?

My bustier (old), sunglasses and rings are from Forever21 and the denim jacket (old) is from Rainbow. Don’t you just love this denim patch work bag? I do, its from Amazon and I was amazed at the quality when I received it. My pearl and gold broaches are also from Amazon. I was a lucky girl when I found these pearl earrings in Burlington a while back, they came in handy for this outfit slay. Sigh, my shoes (old) are from Gojane and I’m done. LOL…

There you have it, my Jeans and Pearls outfit details, leave a comment to let me know what you think and please weigh in this woman power conversation.

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @Kass_stylz and on Facebook @Kerry Scott. As always thank you for reading my post and happy new month.

Photographs by Shanni B.

XOXO Fashion Sensibles