Know Your Worth...

What’s up Sensibles? We are finally in the month of February better yet its officially tax season. Anybody wanna file me on their taxes? LOL…


Know your worth and add tax to it. You have to overvalue your self sometimes. Not because you’re conceited, but because people love to take advantage of the fact that you are selfless. See I believe that there is a cut off point to the amount of times you are gonna allow someone to hurt you.


Know when you’ve had enough! Don’t allow people to treat you like trash, you need to recognize your worth. Don’t get caught up trying to keep people in your life that you lose yourself in the process.


If you don’t know your worth, if you don’t love yourself; who else will? We must love ourselves first before anyone will and if they can’t appreciate your value or importance then its time to rethink your status in their life. Know your self worth!


Self worth comes from within, its intrinsic… It will not come from having money, having friends or even having luxury vehicles and a big house. No baby! Self worth has nothing to do with the external factors but everything to do with you!


Knowing your worth means you will stop comparing yourself to others. We are all different so there is no need to constantly evaluate yourself based on someone else’s life. Stop that shit because you are gonna get your feelings hurt. They might go through fire and not get burn but the heat alone will scorch you.


Build up your self worth by adding meaning to your life. Do things you enjoy doing, things that are important to you not things to please others. Go out and take on things you’ve always wanted to do. Don’t be that child who dreamed of being a model all their life only for their parents to tell them that they need to be a lawyer. First of all I’m gonna get that law degree, pass the bar and all because I’m an obedient child but best believe I’m gonna be a model too. I’m gonna be call the model lawyer. If you get my drift!


So, since we are on the topic of knowing your worth I think that this outfit definitely screams yasss bish you are worth it. Every dime!!!


Let me start with this dress from Lolashoetique. It was part of my Black Friday online shopping rant (covers face). I loved the variations from the moment I saw it. I added the corset from SheIn for even more variation and a cinched waist. I loved the fact that the corset is lace with ruffles and the lace matched my thigh high boots (gifted).


The hat from Forever21 was added to give the look a vintage look. My black clutch is from Bloomingdales added the perfect look for the gray black look I was going for. Earrings are from Boohoo and I’m back to my wigs.


Thank you for reading my post… Talk to y’all soon! Remember, know your worth and then add tax…


Photographs by Tappa Tap

XOXO Fashion Sensibles