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Nice For What?

After two long months away, I am ready to dive back into writing. Don’t worry I got some work in while away. If you follow me on any of my social handles you would have seen me #BlogClaat #Slaying the whole month of October. Since I brought that up, I would love to say thank you again to everyone for their support and love shown the entire month. I enjoyed every moment of it and was extremely happy that y’all rode the whole month out with home girl.

Any way let me get into the real real right now!

Its nice to be important, but its also important to be nice! See I know some of you didn’t get that, so go back and read that first sentence again, and this time, slowly. We all want to be in the spotlight; the star or main attraction, but when its all said and done, are we being nice to the people we interact with? Or are we like a bitter pill, so rude, stuck up and hard to deal with? Think on these things!

“Nice for what?” You may ask! First of all, (snaps fingers, roll eyes and bob head; like my fourth graders do) it costs you nothing, second, being nice is not an extra piece of baggage you have to carry around, third, as an influencer/blogger brands love when you are nice and easy to deal with. Pause for a second, don’t get me wrong when I say brands love when we are nice. You can be about your business and be firm but in a nice way. Quit walking around like the world revolves around you and everybody else just live in it.

Being nice is actually showing strength and not weakness! Some people make it hard for you to be nice to them, but this is where your strength comes into play. Use your niceness to kill their mean spirit. They can’t take your kind spirit away and don’t let them stop you from doing what is right. It may be challenging but, in the end, it will be the honorable thing to do. Trust me stories travel, and people know people. Let your name be mentioned as the person with an impeccable demeanor and gracious spirit.

Your actions reflect you! Whatever you do or say will have a lasting effect on others. Do you want someone to remember you as the mean person? The one nobody wants to be around! I’m sure you don’t want that. Treat people the way you want to be remembered and the way you want to be treated. Your actions tell others who you are and helps them decide if they can trust you or shove you to the side.

Struggles pick a battle with whomever they feel… We all have our own demons to fight and sometimes a kind word can take us through a rough day. Being nice to mean person can remind them that they need to be nice too. Some of us slip along the way and just need a reminder to reel us back in. Don’t let your struggles get the better of you, to the point where you give off this negative energy.

Nice for what? Because Christmas is near, and I need to a lot of gifts in my stocking! LOL… I’m serving all kinds of niceness in this green vibe I have going on.

Lets get into this look! It would be very contrary of me to preach to you guys about recreating looks with what you have in your closet but then turn around and be in something new all the time, right? Well all the pieces in this look are old, except of course the Zara pants (I stole them from my sister, she had them for too long and anything stay too long serve two masters, haha). They are old season, but I’ve never worn them.

This Boohoo plaid blazer dress is an all time favorite, in this look I wore it as a jacket since its fall and it can get a little chilly. Fall not only come with cooler temperatures but in the fashion world it comes with mixing prints. The GitiOnline cactus print vest is also old but I add it to bring balance the green vibe.

I opted for gold accessories to coordinate with the gold buttons on the jacket. You know I love a cinched waist and the gold-plated metal belt from SheIn did just that, these gold earrings are the bomb.com also from SheIn for $3. Lord guide my steps in these very old, gold heeled sandals from Gojane and bless this Steve Madden pouch from TJMaxx for $14. Listen even my wig is old but it’s still popping though (inserts Cardi B’s laugh).

Thanks for being nice and reading to the end, now one more thing. Please leave a comment below; weigh in on the topic or the outfit.

Until next time, big up unnu nice clean self! (I literally said that in my deepest Jamaican accent)

Photographs by Tappa Tap

XOXO Fashion Sensibles