Create Your Own Opportunities...

Hey, my loves… Hope all is well with you all.


When an opportunity comes knocking on your door, its always wise to open that door, snatch that opportunity and run with it. However, this may not be the case for everyone. Most of the times everyone is not that fortunate. These days in order to be in the game you must work hard and hustle your way to the top. No hand outs are being given!


Landing a dream job or owning a lucrative business is not about luck. It’s about taking advantage of the opportunities that come your way. You are responsible for creating the life you want to live. Your dreams are just that, dreams, until you make the effort to work towards realizing those dreams.


We love to say how unique we are and yes, we are unique. We all possess a skill that we can master so we can share it with the rest of the world. Whatever that skill is, own it and do not wait for some magical opportunity to present itself. Once you own that skill, believe in it like how Jamaicans believe in tea (cures all illness). Self-confidence is gonna play a vital role on this journey. If you believe in yourself others will catch on and start believing in, you too. Make the bold step, your future self will love you for it.


“No man is an island; no man stands alone!” I say that to say, get out there and network. Engage with people and situations that are going to help you get where you want to be. You must be willing to get out there and do the ground work so people will know from the get-go that you are about your business. You must be willing to step out of your comfort zone, opportunities never come about when you are comfortable.


In the previous blog (Nice For What…) post I spoke about being nice. On the road to creating your own opportunities you must remember to always be nice and put out positive energy into the atmosphere. I strongly believe in whatever you sow, that’s what you will reap, so put out positive vibes only.  This will help you to build strong and genuine relations, which will help you in the long run. People will remember you when an opportunity come about that requires your expertise.


Whatever it is that you want to achieve in life you can, with the right attitude and a dream. You can create the opportunities you want for yourself.


I’m just over here waiting for the opportunity to tell my students that it’s the last day of school for 2018. LOL… I’m still on my green ish! Green is the color of life, renewal and energy. It is also associated with growth, harmony, money and ambition. So, I guess I’m gonna be on my green ish for a long while.


You guys already know that my mantra is, “You don’t have to break the bank to look good!” My full outfit and accessories are from Rainbow Shops and cost less than $60. Below are links to shop my outfit or similar pieces.


Pants [Here] Similar [Here] Blazer [Here] Similar [Here] Sweater [Here]  Necklace Similar [Here] [Here] [Here] Gold plated bangles [Here]


As always thank you all for visiting the blog today. Feel free to chimp in on the topic or the outfit in the comments section.

Photographs by Tappa Tap

XOXO Fashion Sensibles