Posts tagged caribbean vacation

Do you have a travel bucket list? I do and I love checking off the places I visited and have conversations with others about them. Traveling allows you to experience other cultures, visit interesting places and let’s not forget the food.

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Now that we are done with the chit chat, let’s get into what today's post is about. Here are my 6 tips to be successful as a blogger or just about anything you want to do in life. They are in no particular order and are all equally important.

Know Your Why and Your Purpose!

You might hear this a lot but that is because knowing your why and your purpose will help you to be successful in whatever you do.

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Beach Please, My Girls Had Me Cruising to the Bahamas…

Excited for my second cruise and first time to The Bahamas, I took on the daunting task of packing for 3 days. Now if you know me, then you know this is definitely a task. Since packing light is not my specialty, I downloaded the Royal Caribbean App so I would get an idea of the different events and activities going on while on the cruise.

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